Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Snowboarding.. when can I do it again?

I came back not long ago from snowboarding in Vancouver. I have to say this time and time again, it was so fun!!! Spent a big sum of money but that's not the issue here.. it's snowboarding!
Little did I realise there are so many asians in Vancouver... and most of them know the mountains well enough. Ah enough of them... it's about me and my friends.
Well, my friends and I were there for the first time (except for one person) and we were so excited by the sight of snow, and a whole mountain of it. Plenty of pictures we taken, snow being thrown at, and half the time sitting on the snow getting my many layers of clothing wet right through to my butt.

First and foremost, one must get into gear. That is to get the snowboard and proper attire. Getting everything ready was a big task. We spent an hour and a half getting properly attired (without any supervision) and about another thirty minutes laughing our heads off at each other getting dressed!!

We then headed off for our two-hour crash course on snowboarding! The instructors weren't exactly 'teaching' us but merely standing there in their instructor jackets looking cool with ski caps and goggles on.
I have to admit, I had difficulty trying to stand up at first, but got a hang of it soon after. The initial "run" down the slope, took about ten to fifteen minutes with alittle help from the instructor telling you to "put your weight on your heel" about twenty times.
When I finally got to the foot of the slope, I had to remove the board from my feet and walk up with it in thick heavy clothing and boots that just would not allow one to stand with knees straight. It was a struggle really....

Well, I got a hundred percent better (quote the instructor) after many many falls on my buttocks (that zzznnnggg the body) and landing face forward into the snow. It wasn't easy but practice made it all 'perfect'.

We had to make a leave just 4 hours into it because my dear girlfriend's fingers were turning blue. Itwas just too bad we had to go so soon but we had a darn good time!

Grouse Mountain... I'll be back!!!


Blogger Chairman Of The Bored said...

Hopefully I can see a snow mountain soon....it sounds fun...

1:49 AM, March 07, 2006  
Blogger cEntuRIoNniess said...

you'll get there soon...

1:09 PM, March 07, 2006  

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