Saturday, January 12, 2008

tragedy... more than that

Why is life so fragile? Why can't it be more solid, strong, unbreakable?

My heart hurts... my love gone... self blame will always be lingering nearby... too close in fact. I manage to tell him I love him, that I never stopped loving him. i told him he is and will always be beautiful in my heart. i touched him... cold... but I still love him.

Baby, I am sorry for whatever I have done to you... I am very very sorry


Blogger Foodie Queen said...

Putting the blame on yourself is pointless and wrong. Remember that you were never responsible for his life nor his death. It was ultimately his own choice. He had always been more at peace with death than with life.

I will be here for you at all times.

6:30 AM, January 13, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I just learned of Arvind's death. He was a close friend of mine when we were both living in Australia. We had kept in close contact over the years, but last I heard from him was early January 2008. I was just e-mailed by his brother to let me know that he passed away. I am going crazy trying to find what really happened to him. I feel so much pain & sorrow....and I am sorry if this brings back pain for you but, could we please communicate about Arvind?

9:17 AM, October 13, 2010  

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