Lunar New Year springcleaning!!
Lunar new year comes around goes around. Two Thousand Six lunar new year is just three days away. Is that good? OF COURSE! Ang Pow collection is back on this year!
But before the collection can be done, before the visitors can come... the spring cleaning has to be done and I did it!
1. Room cleared of nonsense, clothes donated, cabinet neatly arranged.
2. Kitchen cabinet cleared of expired food.
3. Cabinet wiped, stove cleaned of dirt
4. Curtains and cushion covers thrown into the washer
5. Windows wiped after a year
5. The rattan frame couch wiped, together with the coffee table
6. TV rack and dining table nicely wiped off dust (the legs that is...)
7. Floor swept and mopped.
All that in 3 days... all by myself... I am Wonder Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Lunar New Year Everyone!!! It's a doggy dog world out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ YEY!!